
Rebecca Bird-Syphus's Facebook profile

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So Sad

From this picture you can see how long Cohen's hair has gotten, and from previous pictures you can see how cute it was......WAS.  While I was at work one day last week Alan cut it all off.....it was so sad.  He looks totally different.  He is still cute, but I am going to grow it back out.


The Fords said...

Oh my gosh he looks soo different! I wouldn't even have recognized him you hadn't said it was him. He looks good though. I like it!

Maegan said...

I feel your pain, I hate getting use to the no more shag look. He does look so so cute though!! I am in the process of growing Luke's back out and it is taking too long!

candice said...

Bird, i LOVE it! He looks like such a gentleman. People will now compliment him on his beautiful eyes instead of his curly hair :) He is adorable. and just think noone will mistake him for a girl now! :) loveyoubird.

Shawn said...

No way! It looks adorable! He looks so much like Alan! WOW! It's totally cute! Keep it short!

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

Both look totally cute. Can't go wrong when your kid is handsome.